Motorsport revs up help during drought
This article was posted in the Warwick Daily News on 19th September 2019.

The Rotary Club of Warwick Sunrise was on hand to receive $2750 towards drought relief for the Rotary Drought Fund at the Queensland Super Sprints at Morgan Park at the weekend.
Lotus Club of Queensland member Geoff Noble said his club presented a cheque for $1000 to the drought appeal.
“At the start of the meeting, I said we would have a bucket to collect donations over the weekend. Drivers pay $100 deposit for a transponder for their vehicle for timing and the eight Lotus drivers gave their $100 refunds to the drought appeal,” he said.
In fact, $1750 was donated in the bucket and the Warwick and District Sporting Car Club is planning to add another $1000 to the fund to take it to $3750.
The Lotus Car Club of Queensland was at Stanthorpe for a weekend earlier this year and gave $1000 to help support farmers in the Stanthorpe area.
“That money helped bring the farm hands to town so they could do their laundry at the caravan parks. The politicians don’t seem to be doing much for the farmers so why can’t we come up with some money,” he said. “They will spend $2 million on fireworks at Riverfire in Brisbane, why couldn’t that money go for the farmers.”
Rotary Club of Warwick Sunrise member Peter Rodeck said the drought had not just been in the last few months.
“We have had below average rainfall for most of the past 10 years,” he said. “Some farmers have not even put a crop in the ground for the past two to three years. We have had less than 20mm rain in the past six months compared to the 200mm to 300mm we typically get.”
“Some farmers have not even put a crop in the ground for the past two to three years. We have had less than 20mm rain in the past six months compared to the 200mm to 300mm we typically get. The local Rotary Governor has set this fund up as he feels there are people missing out on the drought support,” Mr Rodeck said.